Currently, in one district, a CT student could receive varying levels of funding depending on the school they attend... It would change again if they moved...
Connecticut needs a single, inclusive funding formula that provides local school districts across the state funding based on their students’ precise needs and the enrollment in their schools each year. Our state’s funding formula should include the following components:
Core Student Funding
A base instructional amount for all students that provides sufficient resources to educate students to a constitutionally adequate standard.
Student-Weighted Supplemental Funding
Additional funding for students who require greater resources to learn and thrive in school, including low-income students, English Learners, special education students, and gifted and talented students.
Equitable Division of Local-State Funding
A reasonable division of education costs between local and state resources based on a community’s ability to fund its schools.
Effective and Timely Implementation
Our state has neglected to fully fund the complex web of formulas which presently guides school funding. We must commit to fully funding a single formula and an implementation schedule to grant this funding.